Hum Log

Hum Log

The Covid-19 pandemic, unfortunately, claimed and affected the lives of millions of people around the world. And, it’s not even close to being over.Although, good news and happiness graced our hearts when the news of the vaccine for Covid-19 came about and the drive for vaccination began. In the wake of the current vaccination…More

Shabina Shantanu
Hum Log

Detaching the prefixes attached to the gender and celebrating the commitment and conviction. On the occasion of women’s Day, we urge you to untag the prefix from the profiles.

Hum Log

Responsibility doesn’t come after scanning whether you are male or female. Then why define the gender to the assigned designation? This women’s Day, we pledge to untag the gender from roles and responsibilities.

Hum Log

“Celebrating gender equality in its true sense.
This women’s month, leaders at McDonald’s, Amit Jatia and Smita Jatia #ChooseToChallenge adding gender tags to titles that can lead to unintentional and unconscious bias.”

McDonal's India-Happy Women's Month
Hum Log

Things have been changing for the good. Women are rising and breaking the stereotypes created by society, especially, when it comes to professions and careers. Women have been lauded by the society for their achivements but often with terms such as Momprenuer, She-E-O, BossLady, etc. Despite the best intentions, these…More

Hum Log

This International Women’s Day, we urge all of you to #LetsUntag the gender from profession and roles, and work towards a more inclusive society! Read our MD Smita Jatia’s thoughts on this. Over the years, many people have complimented me for being a ‘female MD’, and a ‘female leader’ in QSR. When…More

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