Hum Log

Hum Log

To many of us, good music is what fries are to a g-r-e-a-t burger (like the Spicy Paneer Burger and Fries with our Piri Piri Mix)! Contentment that’s incomparable! 👌🏽 World Music Day is celebrated on June 21 and it’s amazing how different kinds of music find their way into…More

Hum Log

What a chore, what a bore, when you want to hit the snooze button on your alarm clock so you can snore… ZzZzZzZzZz No, wait! We know the struggle! But guess what? We sleep waAaAay better at night knowing we’ve got a McDonald’s breakfast to wake up to, oh yeah!…More

Hum Log

With your support, the Golden Arches of McDonald’s India stand tall. Since arriving here, 28 years ago in 1996, our focus was to bring ‘burgers’ to the palates of our Indian customers! We wanted McDonald’s India to be a QSR destination run by Indians, made for Indians, that empowered the…More

Hum Log

We know our fans love McDonald’s India for a variety of reasons! Maybe it’s because #1, We offer delicious, comfort style food, #2 The offers are great, #3 It’s widely available, #4 You love that it’s a cute place for customers of all ages to hang out at, #5 It’s…More

Hum Log

Schools are closed for the summer, and cool activities are in full-swing. Pun intended! Whoops, fun intended 😊 Kids have a lot of time in hand and so many activities to participate in! Whether it be brushing up on activities, hobbies and sports, or taking it to the next level…More

Hum Log

We’re biting our nails, we’re upping the ante, we’re freaking out!!!!! All in good spirit, of course, coz, the IPL Final is coming up!🏏 So, we make our plans. Ring up the good ol’ gang! We’re doing an IPL-level hang! Food! McDonald’s latest wraps are our match-time faves! We’ve got…More

Hum Log

🌷M✨O✨T✨H✨E✨R🌷 Our first friend (she’s a cool mom, not a regular mom!), our first teacher, our first confidante and medical aide, our first birthday party planner and so much more! To be loved by a mother is indescribable, will emoji do?! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Our appreciation for our moms knows no bounds…More

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