Good Communities

Good Communities A household name in India, we were chuffed to have Chef Sanjeev Kapoor in our kitchen, recently! Chef Sanjeev, Indian inspiration Beloved for his cooking shows on Indian TV (Khana Khazana, anyone?), delicious + simple recipes, and charming disposition – we, with our resident Chief-slash-Chef, Swarup Solgaonkar, experienced the…More

Good Communities

Earth is our home, and as it is well-known, There is no Planet B!!!! April 22 which marks Earth Day reminds us to continue honoring Earth through environmental conservation and sustainability initiatives. McDonald’s India’s commitment to a healthier planet through our Go Green initiatives remains informed and steadfast. Sustainability initiatives…More

Good Communities

In an effort to have a day brimming with genuine smiles and acts of kindness that bind human beings together, World Smile Day was established. During this #McDCommunityMonth, we hope that every experience leaves every customer with a happy smile. It could be with the joy of McDonald’s Happy Meals,…More

Good Communities

World Environment Health Day, celebrated on September 26th every year, offers a platform to raise awareness and motivate actions to protect human wellbeing by improving the environment’s health. With environmental concerns rising every day, it is important that we do everything in our power to take care of the planet.…More

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