Tagged: Summer

Hum Log

Schools are closed for the summer, and cool activities are in full-swing. Pun intended! Whoops, fun intended 😊 Kids have a lot of time in hand and so many activities to participate in! Whether it be brushing up on activities, hobbies and sports, or taking it to the next level…More

Hum Log

With schools closing for summer break, we knew fun at McDonald’s was on the menu! And this also meant a great opportunity for bonding time. After all what’s better than quality time spent together, doing the things that make one happy, right? We made the most of it at our…More

McCafe Sweet Lime Cooler
What's Hot

Anything to beat the scorching heat, right? Chilled McDonald’s beverages are the go-to drinks this season, and why wouldn’t they be when temperatures are soaring, taste buds and thirst longing for refreshing chilled drinks. Quench your thirst with McDonald’s drinks this summer. The McCafé Beverage Menu has got many refreshing…More