Tagged: coffee

Coffee Tales

As soon as we get out of bed, before we can be alert, answer any questions, or think clearly, we reach for that first cup of coffee. It is a habit which has been a part of us for years, hence difficult to shake off! However, nowadays the buck doesn’t stop…More

Coffee Tales

“Coffee has become recognized as a human necessity. It is no longer a luxury or an indulgence; it is a corollary of human energy and human efficiency.” – William H. Ukers, All About Coffee (1922) Good coffee can be complex, intense and full of character. Wondering how to get that…More

Coffee Tales

Go for that coffee. It keeps the heart in better shape, has a cocktail of antioxidants and brings stress levels down. It isn’t as good as a workout but does tick all the other boxes. Three to five cups a day can do more than to keep you up and…More

Good Food Journey

There are people out there who just cannot do without McDonald’s. It’s become an indispensable part of their everyday lives. Are you one of these people? Let’s find out: 1. It is the first thought that comes to your head in the morning. 2. You like to argue with people who…More

Good Food Journey

Had an hour to kill because the girlfriend was late again. I walked into a café to catch a cup of coffee.  I was thinking of what to order when the barista (what do you call a female barista) came over. Let’s see what happens over a cup of coffee,…More