Tagged: McDonald’s McSpicy™ menu

What's Hot

When the rest of the year is cool and eventually gets cold, it is the summer stories that make you feel warm. Summer story. You have heard this before, right? A child’s first time learning to ride a bicycle, a middle schooler’s overnight camp, a teenager’s new pop band discovery,…More


Whenever there are discussions going on about food and someone says, “I love spicy food,” instantly there is a wave of excitement. Don’t you feel a surge of desire coursing through you? Your tongue starts watering, and immediately you start imagining your favorite spicy meal. This reaction is quite natural,…More

What's Hot

What makes the McSpicy™ Paneer Burger such a tantalizingly sought-after veg burger in India? Sure, it is a balanced blend of freshly baked bread and the tender, soft, crispy-coated paneer, but there is more. It was the Indians’ love for paneer that McDonald’s tapped into when the paneer burger was…More