Good Food Journey

Good Food Journey

How do you make a great dish? Is it the method of preparation or the type of dish? Or more than that, is it fresh and flavorful ingredients? Isn’t it true that if you fail to use good quality ingredients, the dish would also be unsatisfactory? Just like a dish…More

McDonalds India Kitchens
Good Food Journey

People often wonder what the kitchens of their favorite restaurants look like; is there a large burger making machine that puts the orders together or is there a magic chef concocting it all together? How the fries are cooked, salted and packed? Well at McDonald’s, one doesn’t need to wonder…More

Good Food Journey

When you eat fresh, you feel fresh! McDonald’s restaurants worldwide endorse the use of freshest ingredients for their offerings. McDonald’s India too follows the same policy of maintaining a high quality of service. McDonald’s sources its ingredients from local suppliers, the ingredients are always fresh and it helps in community…More

Good Food Journey

It’s summertime — those carefree months when you put your sandal-clad feet up and sip a glass of lemonade in front of the ballgame. The days are longer, flowers are in bloom — summer is a buzzing season with a lot of vivacity, that typical time of the year to…More

Good Food Journey

McDonald’s is now going for great expansion plans – aiming to open 30-40 outlets in the West and South each year” – according to Westlife Development Vice Chairman Amit Jatia, in an interview with Deccan Herald. McDonald’s in West and South India has reached about 250 restaurants today, a figure…More

Good Food Journey

Kerala Spices have been known across the world for several millennia. Traders from Arabian countries and Europe came to Kerala to trade in spices. The story of Kerala’s spices dates back to many thousands of years into the past and Kerala’s rise to fame in the ancient world was mainly…More

Good Food Journey

What does the word “wrap” mean to you? Could it mean you are done for the day? Could it mean you are snuggled into your wrap/quilt for the night? Or could it mean you are peckish and deserve a treat? The best, of course, would be for all three to…More

Good Food Journey

The Saucy wraps come with fiery Chipotle sauce which is known for its spicy yet somewhat sweet taste, made with ripe-red jalapeno peppers which are smoked to perfection. Chipotle Sauce gives wraps a rich and smoky flavor. But the interesting part is these chipotle peppers have a lot of nutritional…More