
It’s Raining Oreos At McDonald’s Hong Kong!

Oreos_MCDonald's_310117Oreos, those chocolate-with-crème-filling cookies, are the world’s best-selling cookies. Not only have over 450 billion Oreos been sold since 1912 when they were first launched, they are also available in more than 100 countries, in a variety of mouth-watering flavours.

McDonald’s Hong Kong has created the ultimate fantasy for Oreo lovers by launching an entire, Oreo-themed menu. Just the names of the dessert dishes are enough to make an Oreo fan drool!

Oreo Tiramisu Latte is a scrumptious fusion of Tiramisu (Italian for custard) and Café du Latte, topped with Oreo bits, and a bonus Oreo perched on the side of the cup, while Iced Oreoccino is the much-loved iced coffee laced with not one, but two Oreos. Oreoccino is delicious cappucchino with a whole layer of Oreo crumbs as a topping, while Oreo Tiramisu Oreo gives the game away in its name by being a simple Tiramisu, the coffee-flavoured Italian custard, flavoured with an Oreo cookie as well as an Oero crumble.

The ultimate dessert is the Chocolate Cheese Tart, an irresistible concoction of a cheese tart, layered with Oreo.

While McCafé fans in Hong Kong are “Lovin It”, we in India can go, “Oh-Oh! Oreo” till the offer comes on our shores.

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