
The Walk In McDonald’s

McDonald's_RestaurantTime-pressed? Here’s the newest idea that McDonald’s has come up with for customers and commuters on the run. In New Jersey, McDonald’s has set up a restaurant without dining tables and chairs. It has a drive-thru window and an outdoor ‘walk up’ window.

First-of-its-kind in the New York tri-state area, this restaurant, located outside the exit of the Holland tunnel in the Jersey City, is one of the few McDonald’s outlets in the United States that serve without dining rooms.

The first McDonald’s drive-thru was created in 1975 near an Arizona military base to serve soldiers who weren’t permitted to get out of their cars while wearing fatigues. In India, McDonald’s (HRPL) launched the first drive-thru in West and South region at Kalamboli, Navi, Mumbai in 2011. Today, drive-thru restaurants account for around 25 % of the total restaurants of McDonald’s (West & South).

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