
Satiate the hunger and fun quotient with the Shake Shake Drill

You know, there are those days when you are so hungry but will only go for something that has its taste and flavor on point? You want it to be nothing but delicious, otherwise, you would rather go on a fast! Or maybe you are with new friends and want to break the ice with something fun. Or, you can’t sit still and you always like to be entertained. For moments like these, a very Indian enhancer- the Chatpata Spice Mix has been introduced by McDonald’s India. You have tried the Piri Piri fries at McDonald’s, now jazz up the all-time favorite fries with some chatpataness. If you are a Piri Piri French Fries lover, then you are sure to like this new flavor for your fries. It adds the right amount of zest to rescue you from a boring conversation, turn a dull day into a bright one, and also be the perfect companion to your burgers and beverages. The Chapata Spice Mix is not just for fries, experiment it with nuggets as well, you will surely be lovin’ the results.

One simply does not eat the chatpata fries; you have to do it right, and that’s by pairing them with the Shake Shake Drill. When the hunger pangs hit hard, and your sweet friend is cranky and hangry, let the McDonald’s French Fries help you put the smile back on their face. All you have to do is get the Piri Piri Mix or the Chatpata mix, sprinkle the contents into a bag full of fries and break into the Shake Shake Drill! Probe them to join in as well. If you and your friends are hysterically laughing because you keep messing up the steps, don’t you worry, we’ve got something in store for you. Check out the dancer and influencer Sonal Devraj’s Shake Shake Drill on youtube or instagram. Still can’t get it right? Then try the insta Shake Shake Drill filter, follow the steps, and voila, you will get it right down to a T. Tag McDonald’s India’s insta handle and guess what, you could be the next person to win free fries!

It is quite a catchy beat, don’t you think? You will find yourself go-

Shake ‘em left

Shake ‘em right

Shake those fries real nice

Then go up

Then come back down

Then shake them around

Do a spin

Dont be still

That’s how we do the Shake Shake Drill!

Groove, move, and munch on the fantastically chatpate fries when you need a yummy stomach fill and super fun time. Make it merrier by catching exciting deals on the McDonald’s app! Slide your way into a McDonald’s restaurant or jam at home by ordering in from the McDelivery app or McDelivery website.

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