The delish delight that is the McSpicy Fried Chicken is for foodies who love it every bit spicy. As the name suggests, this amazing fried chicken in India is spicy all the way down to the bone. That’s because it’s marinated with ghost chili pepper, the spiciest chilli pepper out there, and is fried to perfection. This one is for the sensation seekers and fearless adventurers who’ll go all the way for a hot and flavoursome hit. What describes your feelings best as you order, await, wolf down, and relish that delicious bit of fried chicken?
When you first order the McSpicy Fried Chicken, a wave of “Nomstalgia” hits you. The aroma of the fried chicken wafts in the air as it makes its way to your table. The vision only betters as you lay your eyes on the oh-so-succulent yet crispy dish.
Delight – Such crunch, much wow
It’s hard to stick to a diet when you see the crunchy goodness on that McSpicy Fried Chicken! The McSpicy Fried Chicken India batter leaves no part of the chicken uncoated, so it’s crunchy right to the last bit! The frying bit is lit, which ups the ante on the crunch all the more.
Thrill – of Spice, Spice, Baby
When you take the first bite of the delicious McSpicy Fried Chicken, the wave of “Spice” hits you next – and how! It’s marinated with some of the spiciest ghost peppers, a pepper famed in India, particularly the Northeast, as the legendary “bhut jolokia”. These naturally grown peppers are the hottest chillies on earth and are the hero of the mixture that’s used to marinate the chicken. Artificial flavouring? Zilch. It’s no wonder that you’ll want to keep going all the way without stopping.
The spice, although a hot wave at first, diminishes as you get used to it. Those who’re used to spicy fare won’t even break a sweat. Those who don’t, on the other hand, well, we’ll see how brave you are! Just kidding – trust us, you’re going to fall in love with the spice. Or, you could order a Lemon Chiller to keep you company as you munch on your chicken.
Want to mix things up? Order a McCafe Mocha Frappe or a Mixed Berry Smoothie. It sure hits different!
As the hearty flavour of the meat accompanied by the crunch engulfs you, you feel nothing but satiated. Sigh. That is one good meal.
As long as we’re including feelings from other languages (this time, it’s Italian), what unmistakably follows after a McSpicy Fried Chicken India meal is “abbiocco”, which is a “feeling of drowsiness following a big meal.” We’re right, aren’t we?!
Available in South India, this spicy fried chicken is sure to appeal to South Indian fans of all food piquant! Can’t get enough of the yummylicious McSpicy Fried Chicken? Head over to McDonald’s and try the McSpicy Fried Chicken today!