
This Women’s Month, #LetsUntag and #ChooseToChallenge

McDonal's India-Happy Women's Month

Things have been changing for the good. Women are rising and breaking the stereotypes created by society, especially, when it comes to professions and careers.

Women have been lauded by the society for their achivements but often with terms such as Momprenuer,
She-E-O, BossLady, etc. Despite the best intentions, these tags indicate deep seeded unconscious bias – maybe because a woman achieving something is looked at as ‘extraordinary’ and not something that they do or can do as often as men. While complimenting or acknowledging is fine, what they really deserve is to be treated equally without any gender biasedness.

This Women’s Month, we at McDonald’s ask to “Choose to Challenge” and untag women from the prefix and labels associated with their profession, roles or designation, and celebrate their achievements. This is our initiative to sensitize people about the unconscious bias, normalize women achievements and push the envelope on gender equality.

McDonald’s wishes you a Happy Women’s Month. So, #LetsUntag ourselves and start the conversation around unconscious biases against accomplished women in different professions.

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