From a Trainee to a Beanie, to a Barista, and now a Restaurant Asst. Manager (RAM), Sonali Mane’s journey with McDonald’s is a reminder that with perseverance comes growth.

Sonali, who has been working at McDonald’s India (West & South) for five years now, is happy and proud that her first job has taken her as far as becoming an RAM. One reason she loves working with McDonald’s is the opportunity to grow as an employee as opposed to having a job that is mundane and stagnant. Apart from being financially stable and independent, Sonali gets to learn new things everyday, which results in her non-stop personal growth as well.

According to Sonali, working with other McDonald’s crew members is synonymous with learning and respecting the differences of everyone. This rings true for every McDonald’s employee, given the “melting pot of a working environment” that McDonald’s provides!

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