mcdonalds burger

The Thing About Peas In The Patty

Peas in the PartyThe art of picking peas has been compared to a military operation.

And during this operation, timing is very important. The pea pods need to be plucked just when they are about the right size. The good has to be separated from bad real soon and packaged and sent to the freezer.

Although pea harvesting is typically a labour-intensive job, mechanized pea harvesters – machines that do everything including plucking, hulling and storing – have started doing the job perfectly.

India’s First Green Pea Combined Harvester

Realising the immensity of the scale of operations that would get McDonald’s India its daily supply of premium green peas, Vista Foods, which supplies peas, entered into a partnership with Punjab Agro to procure India’s first Green Pea Combined Harvester.

The Harvester brings multiple advantages over manual picking: It dramatically reduces the labour involved in picking peas, helps de-pod at the farm itself, identifies foreign objects and helps separate them from the produce using an air-blower, uses optical sorters to size-grade, and allows the pea residue to be used as green manure.

The selected peas are then flash-frozen during a two-and-a-half-hour time span. The rush to get the peas into the freezer is to ensure that no quality is lost in its journey from a field-fresh vegetable to a frozen pea.

It is interesting to know that the peas used to make a veg patty at McDonald’s burger cannot be more than 10 mm in diameter. Otherwise, they will either stick out of the patty or break them. The smaller peas that make the selection, also need to have just the right amount of sweetness that a McDonald’s patty is known for.

And that is the thing about the perfect patty peas!

editor's pick

    There are people out there who just cannot do without McDonald’s. It’s become an indispensable part of their everyday lives. Is your love for this food chain an obsession?

    1.  It’s the first thought that comes to your head in the morning.

    2.  You like to argue with people who just don’t understand that good food, fast is an ART.


    3.  If your friends want you to come out with them, all they have to say is


    4.  You run through all the McDonald ads with a fine comb and picture yourself in all of them.

    5.  The nearest McDonald’s outlet is like your second home.


    There are people out there who just cannot do without McDonald’s. It’s become an indispensable part of their everyday lives. Is your love for this food chain an obsession?

    1.  It’s the first thought that comes to your head in the morning.

    2.  You like to argue with people who just don’t understand that good food, fast is an ART.


    3.  If your friends want you to come out with them, all they have to say is


    4.  You run through all the McDonald ads with a fine comb and picture yourself in all of them.

    5.  The nearest McDonald’s outlet is like your second home.


    There are people out there who just cannot do without McDonald’s. It’s become an indispensable part of their everyday lives. Is your love for this food chain an obsession?

    1.  It’s the first thought that comes to your head in the morning.

    2.  You like to argue with people who just don’t understand that good food, fast is an ART.


    3.  If your friends want you to come out with them, all they have to say is


    4.  You run through all the McDonald ads with a fine comb and picture yourself in all of them.

    5.  The nearest McDonald’s outlet is like your second home.


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Amit Jatia, vice president of one of India's two main McDonald's franchisees, said that changes to reduce sodium and calories in fries, buns and sauces had been done gradually, and were subtle enough to keep taste consistent and customers happy. "It wasn't as if we suddenly cut the salt in our foods one day. Our menu and sourcing teams have been working to make slight alterations for months now," Jatia told Reuters in an interview. Read more at:  "McDonald's India Cuts Salt, Calories In Burgers And Fries""

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