
Two McDonald’s Ads That Ask You To Believe It

McDonald’s has changed. There are more Indian menu items, more non-veg options and more beverages than ever before. If you have a hard time believing so, pay a visit to the nearest McDonald’s today to see for yourself. And till that happens, watch these two ads to understand what we are trying to say.

Kebabs At McDonald’s?

We’re taken right into the home of a colonel. Who do you think is the culprit who broke the deer’s head? Watch and find out. And when you do, treat yourself to crunchy kebabs at McDonald’s. You read that right.

Naan At McDonald’s?

Is your boss the suspicious types? Or is he too over-confident? Well, it’s time to show them all that they don’t know. How about a Chatpata Naan break at McDonald’s?

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