
10 Reasons Why Piri Piri Is Superliciously Awesome


“When you shake it, you make it,” Priya, 15, budding Songwriter, Mumbai

“There is a whole science to getting it right. You don’t just dump and shake. My technique is to swirl rather than shake. That gets all the fries coated from each side. That way, you get the taste right across them.” Nikhil, BCA Student, Bangalore.

“Actually, the fun part is how annoyed everyone gets when you are shakin it and shakin it and shakin it and shakin it…” Yash, Executive, Chennai.

“The good part of the Piri Piri Shake is its large flakes. They ensure that everything is covered by them,” avers Sanjay from Mangalore.

“I like to shake it, shake it! I like to shake it.”, croons Priyanka from Pune.

“I like the taste but I like the noise of the shaking more. When my wife says something, I can be truthful and say I didn’t hear her.” Raj, enjoying his peace at McDonald’s, Kochi.

“I like the awesome taste but truth be told, I’m too lazy to do vigorous exercise,” says Thomas while munching on his fries.

“Because I’m training at college for athletics, my friends always give me the task. Of course, I take a penalty of 3 fries per bag,” says Ansari from Bangalore.

“I love the taste of the Piri Piri fries. I wonder if they can be eaten for Navartras,” wonders Vandana from Nashik.

“I feel I’ve earned my lunch,” says Rishi from Hubbali.

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