Terminal illness takes a heavy toll on the patients, especially when they are children. It is a severe testing time for their parents as well. Hospital visits and stays, formalities, procedures, results, and recovery all add to the families’ physical and mental anguish. In these difficult moments, the Ronald McDonald Family Room (RMFR) makes this process less burdensome and bring smiles to the ailing little angels.
McDonald’s global philanthropic initiative Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) India is celebrating its six-year anniversary #JourneyOfSmiles It is constantly working to improve the lives of terminally ill children and their families, with a commitment to help more and more families in the future.

This initiative in India was founded in 2016 and has since been active towards making the tough and strenuous journey of children being treated for cancer and their parents, easier and smoother with RMFR. This room has been established in the Outpatient Department of the Paediatric Haematology – Oncology of Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children in Mumbai.
The stress of medical procedures and long hours spent at the hospital affect not just the children but also the parents. A source of relaxation and comfort is much needed. The RMFR offers a clean, hygienic, and happy space for children to enjoy themselves with toys to play with, books to read, and be in the company of those going through the same difficult times. This zone is also a pleasant place for families to be comfortable while they wait for their turn with the doctor. A child-friendly play corner and a refreshment area are also available.
A resting and regrouping area, and 19 recliner beds for children being treated, are some more facilities provided by RMFR. RMHC India intends to add more beds to make sure that more children undergoing treatment can rest comfortably.
RMHC India has helped over 35,000 families, and most of these families come from remote and rural areas of the country where there are insufficient healthcare facilities.
With your constant support and well wishes, the RMFR can continue to enhance the #JourneyOfSmiles and touch many more lives by reassuring families, making them hopeful for the future, and feeling at home away from home.
Globally, RMHC is creating a massive impact with a network of 368 Ronald McDonald Houses in 64 countries.