“The children of today will make the India of tomorrow. The way we bring them up will determine the future of the country” – These words were spoken by India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Children’s Day which falls on November 14th is celebrated as a tribute to him. Internationally, the World Children’s Day is celebrated on the 20thof this month, making November a whole month of celebrating the joy that children are, not that we ever needed a reason to. But to add more happiness to the celebrations, we at McDonald’s are super excited to announce our second act from the 25 Acts of Happy – the transformation and launch of the Wholesome Happy Meal! We are sure that kids are gonna love the NEW Happy Mealand we can’t wait for them to try it out.
Whether you want to treat your kids to a fun mid-week dinner, order in something wholesome to celebrate an everyday moment or wish to make it a Sunday ritual, here is something to rejoice!
Here’s what the NEW Wholesome Happy Meal offers:
- A burger, which is oh-so-tasty and really, really wholesome, with 4 variants to choose from (McAloo Tikki/ McVeggie/ McChicken/ Egg Burger)
- A side of delicious corn which is crunchy and juicy at the same time – a perfect, nutritious accompaniment
- A mixed fruit beverage – with no added sugar or preservatives, made with 100% fruit and 0% concentrate
- A surprise fun toy of the month
Family time just got a lot more fun! What more can you ask for? All the previously available Happy Meals will be discontinued across all our stores nation-wide and only the new 4 options of Happy Meals will be available henceforth. As our 2nd Act of Happy, and celebrating the completion of 25 years of McDonald’s in India, Children’s Day was just the perfect day to launch this New McDonald’s Wholesome Happy Meal. To get a taste of this wholesome and nutritious comfort food, head to your nearest McDonald’s outlet or you could place an order through the McDelivery website or app. Give it a try today, celebrate Children’s Day with wholesome goodness and happiness!