A special memory at McDonald’s is the one that lasts a lifetime. And with 25 years of McDonald’s India delivering happiness to you, we know without a doubt that you’ve created innumerable special moments and deeper memories to cherish forever. As we celebrate this milestone, we believe every memory is worth something, and so, we are excited to bring to you the 1st Act of the 25 Acts of Happy – Memory Bites.
Here’s a little about Memory Bites, the 1st Act:

‘Memory Bites’ our first out of the 25 Acts of Happy is about sharing your favourite McDonald’s memories with us: ones that were about celebrating life’s moments. We would love to know how McDonald’s played a part in creating that experience for you, your friends or family. No matter what the event, the meal you ordered at our McDonald’s restaurant, the place or the setting, we want to reminisce it with you. And guess what? We’ll turn it into another delicious memory with yummilicious treats! Now isn’t that something to celebrate!
Here’s how you can get started:

The best stories ever told begin with a McDonalds’s memory. So, whether it is one of sharing a burger with your crush, buying a meal for your parents with your first salary, or if you had to take the team out to celebrate a victory, or whether it was just to see the pure joy on your child’s face as they bite into their Happy Meal relishing and savouring it, no matter how big or small, every memory counts. And we’ve begun counting…
So, take us on a trip down memory lane with YOUR Memory Bite. Not only are we all ears and are looking forward to hearing ‘em, we want to celebrate them with you. Share your stories/posts on our social media pages, tagging @mcdonalds_India and get ready to receive super delicious McDonald’s treat in return. You’re gonna love this one!