How does a burger change a kid’s mood?
First, they look at it in wonder. Their eyes light up. A wide smile brightens their face.
And finally, they happily dive into it.
Everyone loves burgers, and children love them more than anyone. This was our inspiration behind hosting a meal distribution drive with the EatQual packaging. These are specially designed cases that holds the burger together, helps people with limited hand mobility bite into delicious burgers just as easily.
We tied up with an NGO – The Association of People with Disability (APD), India for an event at our outlet in Orion Mall, Brigade Gateway (Bengaluru) last week. Here, we hosted 29 children with bilateral upper limb dysfunction like cerebral palsy, and quadriplegia (cervical spinal cord injury) and shared our McDonald’s EatQual package burgers with them. These children were the beneficiaries of Shradhanjali Integrated School (SIS), which is the NGO’s Inclusive school project.
It was an evening full of fun, laughter, and true happiness. At the end of the event, the school even reached out to us, thanking us, and conveying that the kids had an amazing and extremely convenient time at the restaurant. As for us? We’re eagerly waiting to meet the kids and host them again!