Salaam Bombay

The current times have posed great challenges for everyone across the nation. But there are people who have been hit the hardest by the pandemic and the lockdown. We are talking about daily wage earners and migrants who are struggling every day to manage two square meals.

In a bid to help these people, several teams from McDonald’s India (West & South), in association with a number of NGOs and government bodies, have been out and about serving food. So far, McDonald’s India (West & South) has distributed over 50,000 safe and hygienic meals at various locations in the country.

Recently, we joined hands with Salaam Bombay Foundation to serve food at the slum areas of Mumbai. It was a humbling experience for all the volunteers involved. As always, McDonald’s adhered to stringent safety rules and regulations while delivering these meals. The packaging was done carefully, sans all human contact. Every team member was masked and gloved. Every possible measure was taken to ensure the safety of volunteers as well as the community members.

We know that for people like daily wage earners, every meal matters. We are proud to be able to serve the nation with extra care in the midst of these challenging times.

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