
In an interesting analogy, Aarohi equates the care and guidance McDonald’s gives to its employees to that of a mother duck leading her young ducklings to the right path. And as if that’s not adorable enough, she goes on to say that she came to McDonald’s for the food but stayed for the work culture and the friends she made here. It’s been only two and a half years for this foodie at McDonald’s, and she is already a top-performing Restaurant Assistant Manager!

McDonald’s has been with Aarohi through thick and thin. With tight college and work schedules, Aarohi hardly had the time to rest. But thanks to her managers who worked out flexible timings for her, she was able to shine and give her best performance. Through her association with McDonald’s, she learned about hospitality, production management, training and development, people engagement, grooming and presentation, financial management, and so much more.

“Suggesting our customer’s Meals has taught me more about these terms than my college ever did! And it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that the practical knowledge I gathered at McDonald’s helped me become the topper of my entire BBA batch,” says a beaming Aarohi.

“Although I was pursuing a degree in Bachelor of Business Administration, my coach was not inside the four walls of a classroom but at McDonald’s, ensuring that I was getting practical exposure to what I was studying,” she adds.

Among many reasons, Aarohi is proud to be a part of this company for providing equal opportunities to women. The fact that she’s a part of an organization whose Managing Director is named Asia’s Power Business Woman by Forbes, playing a significant role in shaping Asia’s business landscapes is what makes her really proud of working at McDonald’s.

“I will always be thankful to McDonald’s for helping me reach this far and become an independent person at a mere age of 21. I wouldn’t think twice before saying that McDonald’s is the best thing that ever happened to me in my career!” she says.

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