The concept of Retail Employees’ Day (RED) came from a simple idea: to thank retail employees for all the efforts they put in running stores, for all their blood and sweat, for all their time away from their families. Conceptualized by Trust for Retailers & Retail Associates of India (TRRAIN) and celebrated in partnership with RAI (Retailers Association of India), RED is observed by over two million people every year.

RED is celebrated on 12th December every year, with the jubilations by not just retailers but also service providers to retail who celebrate it by organizing various fun activities at their stores and offices.
Today, McDonald’s (West & South) is celebrating RED across all its restaurants. Everyone is dressed in vibrant shades of red today. There is a happy vibe at the stores. Regular customers are being asked to leave messages for our crew members on boards at restaurants. And there is cake!

McDonald’s India (West & South) thanks all its employees for everything. Thank you for being our champions.
So have you thanked your retail employees today? Thank you bola kya?